Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2012

A forest und bleibt einer meiner Lieblingssongs von The Cure!

Genießt The Cure live in diesem Video von 1992 und bewundert Robbies Krähennestfrisur!
So trug ich mein Haar damals auch und habe wohl einen ordentlichen Beitrag zum Ozonloch geleistet, so viel Haarlack, wie ich dafür verpulvert habe...

Come closer and see!
See into the trees, find the girl, while you can.
Come closer and see!
See into the dark!
Just follow your eyes, just follow your eyes...

I hear her voice calling my name.
The sound is deep in the dark.
I hear her voice and start to run
into the trees, into the trees, into the trees...

Suddenly I stop but i know it's too late.
I'm lost in a forest all alone.
The girl was never there - it's always the same
I'm running towards nothing
again and again and again...

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